El día miércoles 31 de agosto de 2022, el Presidente de Ópticas de Chile, Walton Ojeda, firmó convenio con la Seremi de Desarrollo Social y Familia, Patricia Hidalgo. El convenio se firma para dar inicio a la campaña de Ópticas de Chile que tiene como fin la donación de 1000 anteojos ópticos a personas en… Read more »
Venta de lentes ópticos han aumentado un 15% en pandemia
Martes 11 de mayo de 2021 El Presidente Ejecutivo de Ópticas de Chile, el Dr. Marco Antonio Núñez para 24Horas TVN.
¿Por qué las Ópticas son Servicios Esenciales?
Según Investigadores del Instituto Max Planck, el sentido de la vista es el más importante para las personas seguido del oído (1), siendo estos, indispensables para el proceso de aprendizaje, según la OMS al menos 2.200 millones de personas tienen una deficiencia visual o ceguera (2) y más de 360 millones padecen una pérdida de… Read more »
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. September 23 to 29
Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. September 16 to 22
Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. September 2 to 8.
Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »
Damos la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo socio Optiland
Damos la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo socio Optiland. Con agrado informamos que se ha incorporado a nuestra Asociación la Empresa Optiland en el segmento de proveedores.Esperamos nos aporten con su experiencia para el desarrollo de nuestra organización.¡Bienvenidos Optiland! Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de Ópticas de Chile (@opticasdechile)
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. August 19 to 25.
Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. July 28 to August 4.
Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. July 15 to 21.
Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. July 1 to 7.
Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. June 24 to 30.
Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »